Drinking three coffees before our first meeting of the day.

Going home at 1am when we said we’d just have “one drink”.

Skipping a brushing after falling asleep on the couch binge-watching that series you love.

We all do it. Except all of those extra shots and second round drinks and skipped brushings start to add up, leaving stains on your teeth. There’s the shade.

The good news: it’s reversable. (Well sthe stains are - not what you said at your office Christmas party after the aforementioned second round).

Stains are where we come in. We’re tried and tested on thousands of smiles, achievivng results of up to 14 shades whiter in just one sitting - all from the comfort of your favourite seat on the couch. That’s right. We come to you. We also never throw shade. We just lighten it.

(Your caffeine relapse can be our little secret).